Sunday, 18 March 2012

Movie of the Week - Spellbound by Alfred Hitchcock

Our readers already know about our feelings for Alfred Hitchcock's movies so we decided it would be fun and interesting to make one of them the movie of the week. We actually watched this movie yesterday and were really impressed.  Spellbound which was made in 1945 and stars Ingrid Bergman and Gregory Peck is a psychological mystery thriller.  It is an adaptation of the novel The House of Dr. Edwardes by Hilary Saint George Saunders and John Palmer. 
The story is about a man who claims to be a head of a mental asylum but has a mystery behind him which of course needs to be solved by a gorgeous blonde. The name of the blonde is Constance Peterson (Ingrid Bergman), she is a psychoanalyst and in the movie she tries to analyse dreams filled with symbols to free her mysterious lover from the pain of guilt. The dream sequence  is designed by Salvador Dali and is absolutely amazing. 
We loved everything about this movie. Maybe because it was about love and psychoanalysis and  we both wanted to study psychology at some point of our lives. We highly recommend this movie to our readers. It's worth your every minute!

Alfred Hitchcock and Salvador Dali working on dream scenes for Spellbound


  1. I love Alfred Hitchock, but I've never seen this movie before. I'll have to check it out.


  2. I will have to watch this movie :)

    Missing Amsie Blog

  3. I need to watch this :) So far, my Hitchcock favorites are'Vertigo' and 'Psycho'. Other than that, I've watched 'Strangers on the Train' and 'Rebecca'. Loved them!

  4. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Check out our other posts about Alfred Hitchcock.

  5. My favorite Hitchcock movie is Rear Window. I can't believe I never saw this one because I like the art Salvador Dali.
